Focused on Principle 1 and SDGs 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 16 and 17, since 2019, REVENGA Smart Solutions has been collaborating with UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, in support of the Emergency Response Fund (ERT). Also, since 2020, we collaborate with the Spanish Alliance of Von Hippel-Lindau families (this is a rare, cancerous, familial and hereditary disease, with little investment by pharmaceutical companies and the industry).
Ambassadors of the 1st Edition of the Target Gender Equality (TGE): International impact program for companies committed to gender equality. Also, in 2020 we signed onto the WEP Declaration: Women’s Empowerment Principles. Both actions have allowed us to make progress on SDG 5, and specifically on target 5.5.
Since 2019, REVENGA Smart Solutions has had an Equality Plan that reflects our concern and commitment to building an egalitarian future that guarantees equal rights to all citizens. For this reason, we’ve developed several measures, such as guaranteeing access to jobs without taking gender biases into account, access to a professional career in terms of equality, moving towards the eradication of the Pay Gap and building a safe space in which we can develop our full potential. We’ve come a long way, but we’re aware that we still have a ways to go and will continue working to make a fairer society.
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